by Phillip Knight | Principal | NOVO | May 30, 2024 | Modern Digital Workplace
In the diverse landscape of Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) solutions, choosing the right system can significantly impact your business operations and communication efficiency. Among the various options available, Microsoft Teams stands out due to its...
by NOVO | Apr 8, 2021 | Modern Digital Workplace
NOVO comes from the Latin word meaning “new.” In legal terms, de NOVO translates to “from the new” – a de NOVO trial occurs when a court decides all issues in a case, as if the case was being heard for the first time. This is an excellent metaphor for how NOVO works...
by Dusty Ansley | Principal | NOVO | Mar 16, 2021 | Cybersecurity, Modern Digital Workplace
Keeping your employees behind strong firewalls and VPNs is no longer enough. It’s just one of the many important pieces for worry-free productivity today. Too often businesses create their processes and practices and then ask IT to keep them secure. The new...